Size of the Rule 90 (octave) world: 35 Size of the Rule 30 (duration) world: 35 Width of the Peck's Rule (chord) world: 16 Height of the Peck's Rule (chord) world: 5 7-note scale: D# F F# G# A# B C# Initializing the worlds..........................................................................................................................................................done! Randomizing the worlds....done! Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XXX...X..XX...XX.XXXX..X....XX.X...| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XX.XX.XX..XXXXX....XX..XXX.XXXX.XXX| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . F F# . A# B . D# . . G# A# B C# . . | |. G# A# . C# . . F# G# . B C# D# . F# G# | | B C# . . F# G# . . C# D# . . . A# . C# | |D# . . . A# B C# D# F F# G# . . C# . . | | G# A# . C# D# F . . . B . . F F# G# A# | +---------------------------------+ Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |X.XX.XXXXXXX.XXXXX..XXXXX..XXXXXX.X| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |...X..X.XXX....X..XX.XXX...X....X..| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . . F# . . B . D# F . . . . . . F | |. . A# . . D# F F# G# . B . . . F# G# | | . C# D# F . G# . . . . . F# G# A# . C# | |. F F# . . . C# D# . . . A# . C# . . | | G# A# B C# . . F# G# A# B C# D# F . G# A# | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 3 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.125 Peck's rule chord: F F# G# C# MusicString: V0 F3/0.125 V1 F#3/0.125 V2 G#3/0.125 V3 C#3/0.125 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XXXXXX.....XXX...XXXX...XXXX....XXX| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |..XXXXX.X..X..XXXXX..X..X.XXX..XXX.| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | D# . F# G# A# B . . . . G# A# B C# . F | |F# . A# B C# D# F . G# A# . C# D# F F# . | | B . . . F# G# . B C# D# F F# G# A# . C# | |. . . G# A# B C# D# F F# . . . C# . F | | G# . . . D# F F# . A# B C# D# F F# . . | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 5 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.25 Peck's rule chord: G# D# F# MusicString: V0 G#5/0.25 V1 D#5/0.25 V2 F#5/0.25 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |.....XX...XX.XX.XX..XX.XX..XX..XX..| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |.XX.....XXXXXXX....XXXXXX.X..XXX..X| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . . . . . . . D# . . . . . . . F | |F# G# A# . . . F . G# . . . . . F# . | | B C# D# . . . . . . . F . . . . . | |D# . F# G# . . . . . . . . . C# D# F | | G# A# B . . . . . . . . . . . G# . | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 4 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.25 Peck's rule chord: D# F# G# MusicString: V0 D#4/0.25 V1 F#4/0.25 V2 G#4/0.25 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |....XXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |.X.X...XX......X..XX......XXXX..XXX| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . . F# G# A# B C# D# F F# G# A# B C# . . | |F# . A# B . D# . F# . A# B . . F . . | | . . . F . G# A# B C# D# . F# G# A# B C# | |. . F# . A# . . . . F# G# . B C# D# F | | G# A# B C# . . . G# . . . . F F# G# . | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 3 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.125 Peck's rule chord: F# G# MusicString: V0 F#3/0.125 V1 G#3/0.125 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |...XX..XXX.......................XX| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |.X.XX.XX.X....XXXXX.X....XX...XXX..| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | D# . . . . . . . . . . A# . . D# F | |. G# . . . . . . . . . . . F F# G# | | B C# . F . G# A# B . . . F# . . . C# | |D# F F# . . B C# D# F F# G# . . . . F | | . A# . C# D# F F# . A# B C# D# . . G# . | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 6 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.5 Peck's rule chord: D# G# B F MusicString: V0 D#6/0.5 V1 G#6/0.5 V2 B6/0.5 V3 F6/0.5 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |X.XXXXXX.XX.....................XXX| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XX.X..X..XX..XX.....XX..XX.X.XX..X.| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | D# F . G# A# B C# . F F# G# . B C# . . | |. . A# B C# D# F F# . . B C# D# F . . | | . . D# . F# G# . B C# D# F . G# A# . . | |. . F# . . . . . . . . A# . C# D# F | | . A# . C# . . . . . . . D# F F# G# . | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 3 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.125 Peck's rule chord: F D# MusicString: V0 F3/0.125 V1 D#3/0.125 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XXX....XXXXX...................XX..| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |X..XXXXXXX.XXX.X...XX.XXX..X.X.XXX.| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . F . . . . C# D# . F# G# . . C# D# F | |F# G# A# . . . . . . . B . . F F# G# | | . C# D# . F# G# . B C# D# . . . . B C# | |D# F F# G# A# B C# D# F F# G# A# . . D# F | | G# A# . C# D# F F# G# A# B . D# . . . A# | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 4 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.125 Peck's rule chord: D# F# C# A# MusicString: V0 D#4/0.125 V1 F#4/0.125 V2 C#4/0.125 V3 A#4/0.125 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |X.XX..XX...XX.................XXXXX| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XXXX.......X...XX.XX..X..XXX.X.X...| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . . F# G# A# B C# D# . . G# A# B . . . | |. . A# B C# D# F F# G# . . C# D# . . . | | . . . . F# G# . B . . . F# G# . . . | |. . . . . . . . . . G# A# B C# . . | | . . . C# . . . . . . . . F F# . . | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 5 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.5 Peck's rule chord: G# D# F# MusicString: V0 G#5/0.5 V1 D#5/0.5 V2 F#5/0.5 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XXXXXXXXX.XXXX...............XX....| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |X...X.....XXX.XX..X.XXXXXX...X.XX.X| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . F F# . . . . D# F F# G# . B C# . . | |. G# A# . . . . . . A# . . D# F . . | | . C# D# F F# G# . B C# D# . . . A# . . | |. . F# G# A# B C# D# . F# G# . . C# D# . | | . . B . D# F F# G# . B C# . . F# G# . | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 3 Rule 30 mode (duration): 1.0 Peck's rule chord: F A# D# F# MusicString: V0 F3/1.0 V1 A#3/1.0 V2 D#3/1.0 V3 F#3/1.0 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |X.......XXX..XX.............XXXX..X| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |.X.XXX...XX...X.XXX.X.....X.XX.X..X| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | D# F F# G# A# B C# D# F . G# A# B C# D# . | |F# . . B C# D# F . . A# B C# . F F# . | | B . . . . G# . B . . F F# . A# B . | |D# . . . . . . . . . G# A# B . D# F | | . A# B . D# . . G# . . C# D# F . G# A# | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 7 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.0625 Peck's rule chord: D# F B MusicString: V0 D#7/0.0625 V1 F7/0.0625 V2 B7/0.0625 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XX.....XX.XXXXXX...........XX..XXXX| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |.X.X..X.XX.X.XX.X...XX...XX.X..XXXX| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | D# F . . . . C# D# F . . . . . D# . | |F# G# A# B . . . . G# A# . . . . F# G# | | B C# D# F F# G# A# . C# . . . . . . . | |D# F F# G# A# B C# D# . F# . . B . . . | | . A# B . D# F F# G# A# B . . . . . A# | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 5 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.25 Peck's rule chord: D# G# C# A# MusicString: V0 D#5/0.25 V1 G#5/0.25 V2 C#5/0.25 V3 A#5/0.25 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |.XX...XXXXX....XX.........XXXXXX...| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |.X.XXXX.X..X.X..XX.XX.X.XX..XXXX...| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | D# . . G# A# B C# . . F# . . . C# D# . | |. . . B C# D# F . G# . B . . F F# G# | | . . . . . . A# . C# D# . F# G# A# B C# | |. . . . . . . . . . G# A# . C# D# F | | . . . . . . . . . B C# D# F F# G# . | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 4 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.5 Peck's rule chord: D# F A# MusicString: V0 D#4/0.5 V1 F4/0.5 V2 A#4/0.5 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XXXX.XX...XX..XXXX.......XX....XX..| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XX.X....XXXX.XXXX..X..X.X.XXX...X..| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . F F# G# . . C# D# F F# G# A# B . . . | |F# . A# B . . F F# G# . . C# . . . G# | | B . D# F F# G# . B C# D# . F# . . . . | |D# . . . . B C# D# F . . . . . . F | | G# A# B C# D# F F# G# A# . . . . . . A# | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 4 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.25 Peck's rule chord: F F# D# A# MusicString: V0 F4/0.25 V1 F#4/0.25 V2 D#4/0.25 V3 A#4/0.25 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |X..XXXXX.XXXXXX..XX.....XXXX..XXXXX| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |X..XX..XX....X...XXXXXX.X.X..X.XXXX| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . . . . A# . . . . F# . . B C# D# F | |F# . . . C# D# . . . . . C# D# . F# G# | | B C# D# F F# . . . . . F . G# . B . | |. . . . . . . . . F# G# A# . . D# F | | G# A# B C# D# . . . A# B C# D# F . G# A# | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 3 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.5 Peck's rule chord: D# F A# MusicString: V0 D#3/0.5 V1 F3/0.5 V2 A#3/0.5 Hit enter to run the next iteration. Rule 90 world: +-----------------------------------+ |XXXX...XXX....XXXXXX...XX..XXXX....| +-----------------------------------+ Rule 30 world: +-----------------------------------+ |.XXX.XXX.X..XXX.XX......X.XXXX.X...| +-----------------------------------+ Peck's rule hex world: +---------------------------------+ | . F F# . . B C# D# F F# . . . . . . | |F# G# A# . C# . F . G# A# B C# . . . . | | B C# D# F F# G# . . C# D# F . . . . . | |. . . . A# . . D# F . . . B C# . F | | G# A# B C# D# F . G# A# . . D# F . . . | +---------------------------------+ Rule 90 mode (octave): 6 Rule 30 mode (duration): 0.5 Peck's rule chord: F G# D# MusicString: V0 F6/0.5 V1 G#6/0.5 V2 D#6/0.5 Hit enter to run the next iteration. quit